Online angol nyelvtanfolyam.

A katedrán: Be going to for future plans
A be going to szerkezettel előre megtervezett szándékot fejezhetünk ki, mely a közeljövőre
Állító alakban |
Tagadó alakban |
I am going to read. |
I am not going to read. |
You are going to read. |
You aren't going to read. |
He is/She is going to read. |
He/She isn't going to read. |
We are going to read. |
We are not going to read. |
You are going to read. |
You aren't going to read. |
They are going to read. |
They aren't going to read. |
Kérdő alakban |
Rövid válaszban |
Am I going to read? |
Yes, I am. - No, I'm not. |
Are you going to read? |
Yes, you are. - No, you aren't. |
Is he/she going to read? |
Yes, he/she is. - No, he/she isn't. |
Are we going to read? |
Yes, we are. - No, we aren't. |
Are you going to read? |
Yes, you are. - No, you aren't. |
Are they going to read? |
Yes, they are. - No, they aren't. |
Nyomtatható változat
Kiegészítendő kérdések:
What are you going to do in the evening? - Mit csinálsz/Mit fogsz csinálni este?
I'm going to watch TV. - Tévét nézek/fogok nézni.
Where are you going to have dinner? - Hol vacsorázol/Hol fogsz vacsorázni?
I'm going to have dinner at home. - Otthon vacsorázom/fogok vacsorázni.
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